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Empowered IVF
Empowered IVF
Welcome, let's begin (3:44)
Step 1 This is BIG!
Step 2 Build your IVF confidence
Step 3 The Injection Phase
Step 4 The Egg Collection
Step 5 The Embryo Transfer
Step 6 The Wait
Step 7 The Final Test
Step 8 The Next Step: Pregnant
Step 8 The Next Step: Not Pregnant
Thank you from Claire
Fertility meditation and hypnosis to optimise IVF treatment
Why meditation and hypnosis?
How to use hypnosis (2:56)
Step 2: Audio: IVF Confidence
Step 3: Audios: Overcoming Needle Phobia - Injection Indifference - Trusting Ovary Stimulation - Relaxing the Body
Step 4: Audio: Manifesting Egg Collection
Step 5: Audio: The Perfect Embryo Transfer
Step 6: Audio: A Mindful Wait
Your Complete Audio Collection
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Step 1 This is BIG!
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